

如果你在国外遇到紧急情况, 你可以24小时联系365英国上市官网警察调度热线, +1 (248) 370-3331. 你的健康和安全是我们的首要任务.

我们出发前的方向, 每年举办多次,所有出国留学的学生都必须参加, 包含有关在国外保持健康和安全的详细信息. 欢迎家长和其他学生家庭参加我们的迎新活动. To review the PowerPoints and materials used in the orientations, visit the 国际教育 埃斯佩斯 页面. 如需使用我们的埃斯佩斯,请联系国际教育办公室.

登记你的出国旅行 学生健康安全检查


了解你的新环境:你最担心的疾病是什么? 自来水可以饮用吗? 医疗保健系统是什么样的? 的 疾病控制中心 提供每个国家的详细信息.

葛培理健康中心 是开放大学学生的优秀资源吗. 我们建议你在旅行前在GHC安排一次体检, 或者和你的初级保健医生, to discuss any health concerns related to your destination and to obtain recommended or required vaccinations and/or prescriptions. 至少在旅行前八周安排你的体检.

作为你海外学习项目注册的一部分, we ask that you fill out our 健康 Information Form thoroughly and forthrightly so that the 国际教育 Office and your study abroad program leaders have accurate information regarding any pre-existing conditions and medical prescriptions.

All study abroad students and students traveling abroad for university purposes are covered by OU's free international health insurance policy, CISI提供. 如果你在国外需要保险,它会提供很好的支持. Students register for this insurance as part of their study abroad application. 一旦你注册了, you can contact them 24/7 on the CISI Traveler app or by calling +1 (855) 951-2326 (toll-free from the U.S.)或+1(443)470-3043(国外对方付费电话). Print your insurance wallet card prior to travel and familiarize yourself with the services provided through your insurance policy. 除了任何医疗保健费用的财务覆盖, CISI可以帮助您安排国外医疗预约. 的y will tell you where to go and the medical staff will be prepared for you and familiar with your case when you arrive. 的y can also recommend English-speaking specia列表s in a variety of fields close to where you are. 当您在美国时,美世保险不为您提供保险, 所以一定要保持国内报道.

如果你出国时有处方药要带, 尽量在你逗留期间获得足够的供应. If not possible, make a plan to see a doctor upon arrival and obtain a local prescription. 熟悉药物的通用名称, 因为它们在不同的国家可能有不同的商业名称. Carry your medications in their original packaging and take a printed prescription when you travel. Ensure there are no legal issues regarding your prescriptions in your destination country. Some frequently-used medications in the United States may be illegal in other countries, including certain types of ADHD or anti-depressive medications in Japan and certain types of birth control or sleep aids in some Middle Eastern and Islamic countries. 的 疾病控制中心 网站上有每个国家的详细信息. Never travel abroad with marijuana or illegal drugs, even if you have a medical-use license.


经常用肥皂和水洗手. 如果没有肥皂,使用洗手液. 按照当地的建议使用自来水. 瓶装水和开水(必要时). Be aware that you will need to acclimate to the local food and water and may experience temporary stomach distress after arriving. 准备一些治疗胃部问题的非处方药物, 轻微的疼痛, 普通感冒. 遵守当地有关保持社交距离和使用口罩的指示.

尽量吃得健康,保证充足的睡眠和锻炼. Periodically check in with yourself and if you have any discomfort or health concerns get them addressed.

心理健康就是身体健康. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or any other condition, have them addressed. 的 OU咨询中心 在需要的时候可以帮助你吗.

Culture shock and homesickness are extremely common, even among seasoned travelers. Be prepared to experience a variety of emotions regarding your new surroundings, 你的日常生活, and your separation from friends and family back home throughout the course of your stay abroad. If you feel that these emotions are preventing you from enjoying yourself or making the most of your time abroad, 和你的项目负责人谈谈.

一定要保护自己不受当地环境条件的影响, 包括天气, 蚊子和其他昆虫, 高海拔地区. 如果你在阳光下,使用防晒霜并遮住你的头.

如果你性生活活跃, 保护并尊重伴侣的感受和价值观, 还有你自己的. 注意约会的习俗和期望, 的关系, 性, 性别角色可能因地而异.

除了你的OU国际健康保险通过CISI, 您的程序可以直接提供第二个策略. Familiarize yourself with the local healthcare resources and know where you can go for emergency assistance, 基本医疗问题, 药品需求. 你的项目负责人, 还有你的保险单, 会是这类信息的优秀资源吗.


回国后如有任何健康问题,应及时检查. Travelers from certain locations may be advised to get screened for tuberculosis or other conditions. 如果你计划献血,你可能需要披露你最近的旅行经历.

回到家后,你可能会经历反向文化冲击. 我们鼓励你加入我们的 埃斯佩斯,我们为归国学生提供资源.

旅行前先了解目的地. 的 U.S. 国务院 汇编每个国家的详细安全信息, 包括当地的情况和危险, 需要注意的政治问题, 以及最好避免的特定区域或活动. 要仔细注意 国务院旅游咨询 为了你的目的地.

Once you are abroad, learn from the locals and take steps to not call undue attention to yourself. 虽然可能不可能融入, adjusting your behavior to more closely match local norms shows respect for the culture of your destination country.

观察当地人的行为,不要害怕问问题. Each location has its own distinct traffic patterns, social expectations and problematic areas. Don't try to do too much too fast by yourself at first - even crossing the street can be a great achievement! 据统计,车祸是留学生面临的最大危险. Be cautious around cars and traffic and be aware that the pedestrian does not always have the right of way. Follow local precautions about using public transportation, taxis or ride-share services. We strongly discourage you from operating a motor vehicle yourself while you are abroad.

避免政治抗议、游行和其他形式的社会动荡. 在 智能旅行者登记计划 穿过美国.S. State Department and pay close attention to alerts you are sent regarding areas to stay away from. Reference local news media for more detailed information about events in your area.

Follow the guidance of your program leaders in the event of social or political unrest or natural disasters, 以及美国提供的数据.S. 国务院和当地领事馆.

Don't go out alone late at night, and if you consume alcohol, know your limits. 不要让你的饮料无人看管.

游泳或水上要格外小心, 了解一下你的团队中是否有人有救生员的经验. 在船上一定要穿救生衣.

确保你使用的任何电子设备, 包括你的手机, 是否有最新的病毒防护软件, and be careful of what information you share online over unsecured Wi-Fi networks. 如果你不知道u盘在哪里,就不要插u盘. 从自动取款机上取钱时, 最好使用当地银行内的自动取款机, 营业时间, 而不是放在大街上不安全的机器.

You can contact the OU警务处 24/7 to report an incident and receive campus assistance while abroad, +1 (248) 370-3331.

美国.S. embassy or consulate nearest you can provide advice and assistance in the event of an emergency. 联系国务院紧急热线, 国外请致电+1(202)501-4444,美国国内请致电1-888-407-4747.S. 或加拿大.

Know the numbers to call locally to request emergency medical, fire or police assistance. 找到一个汇编的地方相当于911在世界上大多数国家 911年在国外 列表.

365英国上市官网 monitors world events and continuously evaluates available information regarding risks to our international travelers. 如发生真正的风险,OU会及时回应:

  • 确认旅客安全
  • 提供适当的指导
  • 协助协调国际紧急援助
  • Coordinate public updates via the OU website and/or other channels in the case of major events

尽管这不太可能, you should mentally prepare for the possibility that something could happen by thinking through how to respond.


  • 尽可能保持冷静
  • 相信你的直觉
  • 遵守你的项目负责人和当局提供的指导
  • 在安全的时候尽快去一个安全的地方
  • 需要时寻求帮助
  • 响应来自OU的安全签入
  • 告诉你爱的人你很安全
  • 阅读发送给您的所有智能旅行者注册计划提醒
  • 监控本地新闻更新


(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843