People seated on a couch looking towards a fireplace in the center of a large room.


奥克兰中心是学生的首选目的地, 教师, 工作人员, alumni and off-campus guests; please refer to our policies and procedures to keep this prime destination running smoothly.


Hours of operation are based on standard hours during the Fall and Winter semesters. 时间可能会有变动.



建筑时间:夏季学期 (五月初至八月底)

周六 & 周日:只对活动开放


During breaks in the academic term and between semesters the 奥克兰中心 will be open Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM and closed on weekends, 除非另有说明.

Thanksgiving Day - Fourth Thursday in November through the immediate following Sunday
December Recess - Dates vary and will be posted online and at 奥克兰中心 entrances

节假日附近的其他日期也可能关闭. For specific closures and hours of operation please visit the 奥克兰中心 homepage.



The OC Administrative Offices are located in suite 151 in the 奥克兰中心.



Events may load-in as early as 7:00 AM and have until 11:00 PM to load-out. Please let your event manager know how early you will need access to the facility for events. Events or activities requesting the 奥克兰中心 be open beyond standard hours may be subject to additional charges.


The meeting and event rooms in the 奥克兰中心 are continually in use and require a timely schedule of cleaning and reset in each room.  The type of decorations used impact the turn over time of these rooms.  When decorating an 奥克兰中心 meeting or event space do not cover the windows on room doors and side lights or cover "exit" signs. 装订, 粘在油漆表面上的, 砖墙, 家具, 禁止使用地板或玻璃.  受限制的材料包括干草, 沙子的重量, 五彩纸屑, 大米, 舞蹈蜡, 粉, 闪闪发光的, 或者类似的材料. 团体将为任何大规模的清理工作收取费用. 蜡烛(或任何类似的产生火和/或火焰的东西), 烟火, 湿时“流血”颜色的雾化装置和装饰.e. 皱褶纸)是禁止的.  Groups that violate the decoration policies may be charged accordingly.

分布 & 征集

分布 of material and solicitation of any kind are not permitted on OU's campus without prior approval. 在奥克兰中心, on- and off-campus groups and individuals can promote their products or services only at reserved information tables. 在OC预定一张桌子, 您必须联系奥克兰中心预订处, 奥克兰中心151号, at (248) 370-3230. On- and off-campus groups and individuals wishing to solicit or distribute materials elsewhere on campus should follow 365英国上市官网 Policy 415 分布 and 征集 on Campus.


The 奥克兰中心 is responsible for the administration of tabling within the building. All requests for tabling must be submitted through Grizz Orgs (student organizations) or by e-mailing (电子邮件保护). 请求按照收到请求的顺序进行处理. 奥克兰中心每个工作日都有座席, 从10 am-4pm, 两个小时(上午10点到下午12点), 12 pm-2pm, 和2 pm-4pm). 嵌合 is not permitted during exam periods or breaks in the Academic Calendar. 365英国上市官网附属团体, 包括院系和注册学生组织, may request the use of tables in the 奥克兰中心 twice per week, 每周最多工作四小时. The two blocks of time can be requested sequentially, allowing for one four hour block of time. 校外团体可以要求每周使用一次桌子, 最多六小时的座席时间(如有座位). 两个小时的街区将收取100美元的费用, with each additional two hour block incurring an additional $50 charge, 最高不超过200美元. The 奥克兰中心 will provide one 6’ table and up to three chairs per request. Groups may not have more than three individuals operating a table at one time. 除了, all individuals operating a table must remain behind the table in order to maintain the safe and unimpeded flow of traffic through the building. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in the cancellation of the current reservation or the suspension of tabling reservations for the group. Prior approval from the 奥克兰中心 is required for cash collection (sales and/or donations). 用餐时不允许使用扩音器, and all promotional materials are limited to the space on the table and signs behind the table no greater than 8’ in width.


University departments or organizations may post materials on any authorized bulletin board or display area. Off-campus groups or individuals must receive approval from the Center for 学生活动, 奥克兰中心49号, 在校园张贴材料前. All posting regulations must be followed or materials will be removed. 奥克兰中心不允许使用桌帐.


With the exception of the University campus store and vending machines all food and beverage sold or served in the 奥克兰中心 must be provided by the 奥克兰中心 in-house food service provider.  Groups are not permitted to bring food or beverage into the 奥克兰中心.  不允许聚餐. Violation of this policy may result in additional event charges and/or a suspension of facility scheduling privileges. Please consult with your event manager or contact the 奥克兰中心 if you have any questions or concerns related to catering.


The 奥克兰中心 supports the community service efforts of student organizations at 365英国上市官网. 作为这个项目的一部分, the OC offers the opportunity to collect non-monetary donations in the building. 捐款收集 boxes can be placed in two designated locations for a maximum of two weeks. 一旦计划, 请记得前往法团行政办公室, 奥克兰中心151号, 让你的集装箱得到批准. Containers may be placed at their locations the evening before the collection is to begin. You are also responsible for monitoring the containers with at least one pick-up every week. The 奥克兰中心 reserves the right to cancel your collection at our discretion. 请填写一张 捐款领取申请 表格来预订您的座位. There is a limit 3 collections that can be scheduled at one time and all request are on a first-come, 标间.


(248) 370-3245