

欢迎来到机械工程系 !


The 机械工程系 carries out the mission of the 工程与计算机科学学院 by offering an undergraduate major in mechanical engineering, 包括各种深度区域. 该系还提供机械工程硕士学位课程和博士学位课程.D. 机械工程专业. The 机械工程 program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org,根据一般准则和机械工程计划准则.

机械工程师运用工程学和科学原理, 解决问题的能力, and their creativity to design and manufacture systems and components that impact all aspects of our lives. 你是否有兴趣在汽车行业工作, energy, aerospace, mobility, defense, biomedical, robotics, 制造业, 卫生保健, 或者其他领域, a mechanical engineering degree prepares you to tackle the significant problems facing our world. Mechanical engineers are critical to the transition to electrified and autonomous transportation systems, 清洁能源和先进制造业.

位于全球汽车和高科技产业的中心, 365英国上市官网’s 机械工程 Department works closely with major employers throughout Southeast Michigan who regard our mechanical engineering program as a key partner in workforce development, 为您提供机械工程方面独特的培训机会


(248) 370-2210

(248) 370-2224

机械工程师运用工程学和科学原理, 解决问题的能力, and their creativity to design and manufacture systems and components that impact all aspects of our lives. 你是否有兴趣在汽车行业工作, energy, aerospace, mobility, defense, biomedical, robotics, 制造业, 卫生保健, 或者其他领域, a mechanical engineering degree prepares you to tackle the significant problems facing our world. Mechanical engineers are critical to the transition to electrified and autonomous transportation systems, 清洁能源和先进制造业. 位于全球汽车和高科技产业的中心, 365英国上市官网’s 机械工程 (ME) Department works closely with major employers throughout Southeast Michigan who regard our mechanical engineering program as a key partner in workforce development, 为您提供机械工程方面独特的培训机会. 你将在课堂上学习, 在校园的世界级实验室里, 在专业的工作环境中也是如此, 获得先进的技术技能和丰富的实际经验. Our mechanical engineering bachelor’s degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, giving you a rigorous academic foundation to support graduate studies in a number of fields or immediate employment in a mechanical engineering job.

The 机械工程 Department offers a Bachelor’s of Science 机械工程 degree, 这门课为固体力学提供了一个全面的基础, 热力学, 流体和热能, materials, 制造业, 机械系统, 电路, 计算机编程和软件应用. 该课程从微积分基础课程开始, 物理与化学, 然后是五门工程入门课程, 机电系统与计算机科学贯穿工程核心课程. 完成九门专业课程后, students then select courses from a variety of professional electives and complete their senior multidisciplinary capstone design course. Students wishing to broaden their knowledge in a specific area may elect to pursue one of our optional specializations in Automotive Engineering, 制造业, and Energy. Students interested in research may also choose to earn “Directed Research” credits that count towards their professional electives requirements by working on a research project with a faculty member.


B.S.E. 机械工程专业:

机械工程系提供理学硕士和博士学位.D. 机械工程专业研究生学历. Whether you’re a full-time graduate student or a working mechanical engineer seeking a professional edge, 我们的机械工程硕士和博士.D. 课程为你在研究领域的高级职位提供装备, 制造业, 领导力和产品开发. 365英国上市官网 houses one-of-a-kind mechanical engineering research centers and maintains close partnerships with automotive manufacturers, 能源公司和其他工业公司.0 leaders. With ever-evolving graduate course offerings designed to keep up with advancements in technology, 研究生可以发展与电气化动力系统相关的专业知识, batteries, 机器学习, 内燃机, 先进制造, controls, NVH, 光学方法, materials, tribology, 数值模拟, 还有很多其他领域.

理学硕士 in mechanical engineering degree program is designed to prepare students for advanced engineering-related careers in industry as well as for further graduate study. 具有机械工程学士学位的学生可以入学. 其他工程领域的学位, 理科和数学可以作为录取的基础, 但可能需要补习课程来克服不足.

ME部门提供以下M.S. degrees:

机电工程署亦参与 机电一体化与机器人工程理学硕士 program.

The Ph.D. program in mechanical engineering is for students who plan careers in industrial or governmental research and development laboratories or problem-oriented agencies, 在学术领域也是如此. 如果有必要,学生可以在兼职的基础上开始他们的博士研究, availing themselves of late afternoon or evening courses while working full time in local industry. However, later phases of study and research will require full-time devotion to the program.


该系还参加了全校范围内的博士学位.D. 系统工程专业.

Our mechanical engineering programs provide many opportunities for students to enhance and enrich their experience.

优秀的实习: Mechanical engineering students at Oakland routinely gain workplace experience with the Big Three automakers and global leaders in energy, defense, 生物医药及其他行业. More than 90 percent of our mechanical engineering majors complete at least one internship, 建立专业联系,通常会直接带来工作机会.


行业合作伙伴: 365英国上市官网与行业合作伙伴开展了两个独特的机械工程项目. The CLIC-form程序 重点研究钣金成形技术, giving you specialized preparation for mechanical engineering jobs in 制造业 environments. The PowerTrain Readiness Engineering Program (PREP) includes summer internships at Stellantis and part-time work during the school year, 部分学费可报销.

实习培训: Our mechanical engineering degree is built around applied coursework that involves real-world mechanical engineering challenges. 你将培养出卓越的实验技能,并精通计算机模拟, while collaborating on design projects with students in other engineering degree programs via sophomore capstone projects and senior design projects.

研究经验: Students in the department of mechanical engineering have the opportunity to gain research experience by working with faculty and graduate students in our world-class research laboratories. Whether through participation in a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded 研究经验 for 本科s (REU) program or by earning “Directed Research” credits for working on a research project with a faculty member, 有兴趣在研究和技术发展的前沿工作的学生, 有机会这样做吗.

学生组织: Students in the department of mechanical engineering actively participate in national student organizations, such as OU student chapters of the Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), 以及ASME和ECS等专业组织.

The 机械工程 and 制造业 Engineering Option 咨询委员会 assists the department in enhancing its educational and research programs and ensuring their relevance to current and emerging technological needs.


Dayla Aboona, 全球电动汽车生态圈及充电体验助理经理, 通用汽车(General Motors)
•Michael Fetcenko, CHASM Advanced Materials公司董事长
•Ramon Kuczera博士,GKN汽车工程副总裁
•克里斯托弗·英曼(christopher Inman)博士.D.他是科德宝电池动力系统的电池建模和表征总监
•大卫·兰姆博士.D.,高级研究科学家,美国.S. 陆军地面车辆系统中心
•李永丽博士.D., Stellantis高级耐用性技术研究员
•Charon Morgan, Autoliv美洲工程副总裁
• Jason Ryska, Director of Global 制造业 Technology Development, Ford Motor Company
•皮特·席尔博士.D., P.E.,高级研究员-地面车辆推进与机动,美国.S. 陆军地面车辆系统中心
•David Sonntag,经理-资本项目,底特律爱迪生公司
•Phillip Storck III,关闭技术领导硬件集成商,通用汽车公司

