
Rochester, MI 48309-4451


OUPD 信息技术 provides quality infrastructure and 24/7/365 field support for the mission-critical needs of the police department and 通过911通讯中心 业务部门. IT的职责包括维护警察系统, 校园安全系统, 并快速响应所有现场和基础设施支持请求.

它努力提供高效, effective, 负责任的信息技术服务, as well as to maximize the cost-effective use of technology by delivering dependable services and innovative solutions to the police department and 365英国上市官网.


IT maintains a 24/7/365 service desk fully prepared to assist you with any request you may have. 从警报代码更改到报告系统中断的任何帮助, 请致电(248)370-3407与服务台联系 提交请求 online through (电子邮件保护).




加强对大学资产及设施的保护, OU Police maintains a computer based alarm monitoring system located centrally in the police department. 连接到系统将提供直接报告给 通过911通讯中心 业务部门 其中将启动适当的响应.

New alarm systems and/or upgrades of existing systems must be compatible with technology and systems currently in use. 不兼容的系统和未经IT授权的系统将不被监控.

报警系统是由 行政政策675.

我有兴趣在我的区域添加入侵,恐慌和/或保持警报. 我需要做什么?

要开始这个过程,提交一封电子邮件到 (电子邮件保护). 一定要包括以下信息:

  • Your name
  • 你的部门名称
  • 办公室电话/位置
  • 您的电话号码
  • 最佳打电话时间(如果不是营业时间)
  • 描述一下你想保护的区域



完成一个警报项目有几个步骤. They are:

Assessment. 第一步是建立一个区域所需的安全类型. Each security solution is unique for each circumstance, no single solution works for everything. 安全评估包括参观你的设施、套房或房间. We will provide you with feedback and general recommendations on what types of security may be necessary for your facility.

Site Survey. A Site Survey determines the type of equipment necessary for the security goals desired. A comprehensive evaluation of the physical site as well as discussion of your needs for the operation will occur resulting in general hardware requirements like the need for motion detectors, door contacts, 玻璃破碎传感器, 屏幕切割传感器和/或保持报警按钮. 完成现场调查可能需要三周的时间.

成本评估. 调查结束后,IT部门将完成初步的成本评估. 一旦完成,报价将转发给您审查. 如果获得批准,则需要一个基金号码才能进行安装.

Installation. 一旦决定进行, 将提供安装和预期完成的时间表. These times vary according to the size and scope of the project as well as existing projects already in queue. 在安装阶段,必须指定一个授权的联系人. Authorized contacts are responsible for allowing access to the area during construction.

Integration. 一旦系统安装, it will need to be programmed and added to the campus alarm system. 在整合过程中, a list of authorized alarm users will be established and four digit PINs will be issued for users to arm and disarm the system. Alarm administrator(s) will be appointed and will be the only individuals authorized to make changes to the alarm system. A minimum of two after hours emergency contacts will be appointed should the police need to contact someone outside of normal business hours.

Training. 整合后,将对所有授权用户进行系统使用培训.

确定报警系统管理员(ASA). 每个入侵报警系统必须至少有一个报警系统管理员(ASA)。. ASA's are the only individuals authorized to make changes to the alarm system(s) for which they are assigned. ASA必须是教职员工,不能是学生.

Live. 培训后,系统将被认为是正常的. It is the responsibility of the ASA's to notify OU Police IT of changes to authorized users or after-hours emergency contacts.


Alarm System Administrators (ASA) can add and delete authorized users from their alarm system by submitting a email to (电子邮件保护). Be sure to include the name and email address of each person you would like to add or delete. IT会直接联系每个人设置他们的密码.


发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护). 一旦更改,支持服务办公室将通知您.


加强保安, OU Police no longer allows multiple people to use the same PIN even if they are associated with different alarm systems on campus. 由于报警系统用户数量庞大, 它几乎不可能满足个性化的PIN请求.

我工作的地方有报警系统,但我不知道怎么用. 我该怎么办??

你可以参考我们的 YouTube video or contact the 支持服务 office at (248) 370-3407 for any questions you may have.


每个入侵报警系统必须至少有一个报警系统管理员(ASA)。. ASA's are the only individuals authorized to make changes to the alarm system(s) for which they are assigned. ASA必须是教职员工,不能是学生.

ASA's are an integral part of maintaining the integrity of the OU intrusion alarm system. 他们负责:

  • 通知IT部门授权新用户进入警报区域.
  • 当应该撤销用户访问时通知IT. 这包括在某人退休时撤销访问权限, 离开大学, 调到其他部门, etc.
  • 通知IT任何系统问题.
  • 为警报区域指派至少两名下班后紧急联络人. 助理律师可以作为下班后的联络人,但不是必须的.
  • 协助培训报警系统的用户.
  • 确保告警系统正常使用.

如果您对ASA的职责有任何疑问,请365英国上市官网 支持服务.

I'm an ASA and I need to update my information or the information of my after-hours contacts. 我怎么做呢?

发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护). 一旦更改,支持服务将通知您.

我的报警系统出了点问题. What do I do?

如果你的报警系统有问题, 请向您的报警系统管理员(ASA)报告。. If you are an ASA and would like to report trouble with your alarm system, submit a email to (电子邮件保护).


由于安全设备市场的不断快速发展, OU警察不再发布安全系统标准.  We now tailor solutions on a project-by-project basis using the preferred products at the time of design.

If you are involved in a new construction or renovation project on campus that includes surveillance cameras, 紧急电话, 入侵/胁迫警报, 或者群发通知, 请致电248-370-3407或发电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护),一名IT团队成员将被分配到您的项目.

Security devices not approved by OU Police IT staff will not be integrated into campus security systems or monitored by the police department.


In an effort to deter crime and to assist the police department and the university in protecting the safety and property of the university community, OU Police maintains a campus wide video surveillance network with state of the art cameras and recording devices.

New video surveillance systems and/or upgrades of existing systems must be compatible with technology and systems currently in use. Non-compatible systems and systems not authorized by the OUPD will not be monitored.

视频监控系统是由 行政政策674.

我有兴趣在我的区域增加摄像头. 我需要做什么?

为了开始这个过程, 提交请求 online through (电子邮件保护). 一定要包括以下信息:

  • Your name
  • 你的部门名称
  • 办公室电话/位置
  • 您的电话号码
  • 最佳打电话时间(如果不是营业时间)
  • 描述你想用相机覆盖的大致区域



完成一个相机项目有几个步骤. They are:

Assessment. 第一步是建立一个区域所需的安全类型. Each security solution is unique for each circumstance, no single solution works for everything. 安全评估包括参观你的设施、套房或房间. We will provide you with feedback and general recommendations on what types of security may be necessary for your facility.

Site Survey. A Site Survey determines the type of equipment necessary for the security goals desired. A comprehensive evaluation of the physical site as well as discussion of your needs for the operation will occur resulting in general hardware requirements like the need for fixed position cameras, pan, tilt, zoom cameras, 微光摄像机或红外摄像机. 完成现场调查可能需要三周的时间.

成本评估. 调查完成后,警务处资讯科技署将完成初步成本评估. 一旦完成,报价将转发给您审查. 如果获得批准,则需要一个基金号码才能进行安装.

监察覆核小组的批准. All new requests for 监控摄像头 must be submitted in writing to the panel (through the OUPD) for approval prior to purchase and/or installation. The Panel will review existing or new surveillance camera locations to ensure that the placement of fixed location surveillance cameras conforms to 行政政策674.

Installation. 一旦决定进行, 将提供安装和预期完成的时间表. These times vary according to the size and scope of the project as well as existing projects already in the queue. 在安装阶段,必须指定一个授权的联系人. Authorized contacts are responsible for allowing access to the area during installation.

Integration.  一旦系统安装, 它需要被编程并添加到校园监控系统中.

Training. 整合后,将对所有授权用户进行系统使用培训, if applicable.

Live. 培训后,系统将被认为是正常的 and recording of video will begin.

  • 计算机辅助调度
  • 档案管理系统
  • 照片系统
  • 囚犯登记系统
  • 电子事故报告系统
  • 电子停车罚单系统
  • 数字指纹系统
  • 执法资讯网(LEIN)
  • 移动数据计算机(MDC)
  • 蓝检场指纹识别设备
  • 电子交通罚单系统
  • 电子财产和证据系统
  • 互操作视频网络视频会议系统
  • 警务处网站
  • 警用无线电系统
  • 警用电话系统